Camp Ocoee - Friday PM

AUTHOR: Student Ministry
CHANNEL: Student Ministry

Last day, best day! And today was simply amazing!

This morning we switched it up during worship: we asked a panel of adult leaders in different vocations to share how they rely on God in their work. A nurse practitioner; a counselor; a stay-at-home mom; two COOs; and a former Secret Service agent. All rely on God to use them in their jobs, and to give them daily strength. God uses EVERYONE to further the Good News. We don’t have to be vocational ministers to evangelize or have deep faith. It was both an encouragement to the students in the room, but it was also an encouragement to adults who are going right back to work on Monday. We hope those who are reading this blog are encouraged, too, to spread the Good News in your own worlds.

It was a hot day! Activities went very well; the pool, however, was probably the favorite! Also, our seniors had their turn to go white water rafting! It was a quintessential camp-in-the-mountains day.

Tonight was our last worship session together. Jamey challenged our students to be bold to share their faith. Here’s a quote that stuck out: “If the Gospel is such Good News, why is it that it’s often our best-kept secret?” That’ll preach!

It’s Neon Night! What a great illustration of being BOLD. We can’t wait to dance the night away with Silent Disco and some late-night pizza!

More and more people have come to Christ since last night. It has been an incredible experience to watch students walk from death to Life. Pray that it doesn’t end here, that when we leave at 9am tomorrow, revival will spread from this place to Trussville and beyond! Lord, move in power!