Midweek at FBCT
Midweek Activities
Join us for meaningful fellowship over delicious meals and explore a variety of new Bible studies. You can find detailed descriptions of each class in the Discipleship University section below.
Fellowship Meal
Come fellowship and eat with us each Wednesday night!
- Served 4:30-6:00pm in the Gym and Gathering Space
$5 adults, $2 kids, $20 immediate family max
- Salad bar served as an alternative entrée
- Sorry, dine-in only; no take-outs
February Menu
- 2/5/25 - Adults: Hamburger Steak; Kids: Grilled Cheese
- 2/12/25 - Adults: Chili or Tomato Bisque with Salad; Kids: Hot Dogs
- 2/19/25 - Adults: Fried Fish; Kids: Crispitos
- 2/26/25 - Adults: Baked Spaghetti; Kids: Grilled Cheese
Bible Study - Discipleship University
Join us Wednesday nights at 6:00pm, with classes offered to help you live with, like, and for Jesus!
Take a look at the options below and find one that’s right for you.
Click the Plus (+) symbol next to each class to see full details!
Behold Your God
Course: Behold Your God
Facilitator: Dr. Bill Reed
Audience: Anyone
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Location: E207
Description: This class will be discussing John Snyder’s book “Behold your God-Rethinking God Biblically” on pursuing an intimate and personal knowledge of the God of the Bible. Questions like “Do you know God?” or just What other people say about God? We will discuss viewpoints and action steps necessary to come to know a Person, the living God of the Bible, via daily communion, fellowship, and intimacy.
Financial Peace University
Course: Financial Peace University
Facilitator: Ben and Judy Haas
Audience: Anyone
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Location: E203
Description: Money! It stresses all of us out. Our Christmas credit card statements are coming. Yikes! Financial Peace will help you see the importance of eliminating debt, budgeting effectively, and making informed financial decisions. You will learn practical strategies for saving, investing, and spending wisely.
God and Science
Course: God and Science
Facilitator: Dr. Jonathan Penuel
Audience: Anyone
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Location: E208
Description: Looking at the relationship between science and faith. This class will provide you with knowledge on how the evidence from science alone points to a Creator. Contrary to what society and textbooks might say, the more we learn about science and discoveries made in this world, the harder it becomes to separate science from God.
Grace Filled Motherhood
Course: Grace Filled Motherhood
Facilitator: Amy Crowe
Audience: Ladies
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Location: E206
Description: A class for moms in all stages of motherhood from little to college. It will be a time of encouragement for moms to overcome the frustrations and stress of everyday life as a mom and embrace the strength, faith, wisdom, and friendship of fellow moms as they raise their children and point them toward Christ.
Great Exploits
Course: Great Exploits
Facilitator: Christel Floyd
Audience: Anyone
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Location: C302
Description: An overview of the entire bible in chronological order from Genesis to Revelation. More accurately from Creation to Eternity! The Bible is ONE complete story of God’s pursuit for a relationship with us! We will cover all 66 books in chronological order, studying each major event, from Creation to Jesus’ return – in our pursuit to know Him more. Daniel 11:32 Those who KNOW their God will grow strong and carry out Great Exploits!
Gospel of Mark
Course: Gospel of Mark
Facilitator: Buddy Champion and Alan Long
Audience: Anyone
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Location: Fellowship Hall
Description: The Gospel of Mark chronicles Jesus’ journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Pastor Buddy and Dr. Alan Long, with video insight from Francis Chan, will walk along the ancient ways of the Master. Join us as we explore the major theme of the Gospel of Mark.
How to Talk About Jesus
Course: How to Talk About Jesus
Facilitator: Obed Ellis
Audience: Anyone
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Location: E202
Description: A practical and fun class on how to talk about Jesus. It will help you overcome fear and be comfortable talking to others about Jesus. You will learn how to ask great questions to help people open up. You will be equipped with five responses to the tough questions and how to turn every conversation to Jesus without being awkward.
Activities For Preschoolers, Children and Students
- 6:00pm: Babies - 2 Years (Childcare); 3K - 5K (TeamKID)
- 5:30pm - $1 pizza is served for 4th - 5th graders (Room C412); 1st - 3rd graders eat with their families.
- 6:00pm: 1st - 3rd graders in D203 Children's Worship; 4th - 5th graders in C412
First Wednesday of the month
- 5:30pm - $1 pizza for K - 5th; K - 3rd grade will eat in D203 Children's Worship; 4th - 5th graders will eat in C412
- 6:00pm: K - 3rd graders will meet in D203 Children's Worship for Big Night; 4th - 5th graders will meet in C412 for Big Night
Middle School
- Hangout - 5:15-6:00pm in the Middle School Space ($1 pizza, drinks, and snacks available 45 minutes before student worship services)
- Worship: 6:00-7:00pm in the High School Worship Room - A200
High School
- Hangout: 6:00-7:00pm in the High School Space ($1 pizza, drinks, and snacks available 45 minutes before student worship services)
- Worship: 7:00-8:00pm in the High School Worship Room - A200
MVMT Night
- The first Wednesday of every month we will meet all together for worship.
- Hangout time: 5:30 - 6:30 PM in the High School Space ($5 Chick-fil-A sandwiches, drinks, and snacks available 45 minutes before student worship services)
- Worship: 6:30 - 7:30 PM (Sanctuary)
Middle School
Worship Ministry Rehearsal
- Choir: 6:15pm in the Music Suite
- Orchestra: 6:45pm in the Worship Center