Seasoned Adults
Memory Seminar Replay
FBCT hosted an incredible memory seminar on 8/18 and so many of you were able to join us. If you were not able to attend the event or just want to watch it again, you can find the replay below. Special guest, Dr. David Geldmacher provided a very informative session about Memory Loss, Brain Aging, Alzheimer's and Dementia. Dr Geldmacher is the Director of the UAB Division of Memory Disorders and Behavioral Neurology.
About SAM
Enter the gathering space at the heart of First Baptist Church Trussville any Sunday morning between services and you’re apt to see a variety of genders, races, and ages. And while many will be toddlers, teens, millennials, and ages in-between, among them is a strong contingent of men and women more than age 55 who we at FBCT prefer to call “Seasoned Adults.”
Many in this age range are still working in jobs or in their own businesses. Others are partially or fully retired from “work” but continue serving the Lord in many ways. They are “Seasoned Adults” (not senior adults) and if you are among them, we invite you to participate in some of the programs and activities described here!
SAM Leadership Team
L to R: Steve Penuel, Denny Rogers, Bob Smith (Minister to Seasoned Adults), Debbie Arrington (SAM Administrative Assistant), Anita Aaron, Susan Hornsby, Debra Roberts, Judy Bryant, Diane Poole, Bill Bowser, Jack Sittre