Our God is a God of kept promises.
In total, there are almost 7,500 promises made by God to humankind found in the pages of scripture. Each one has either already been kept, or will be fulfilled in the years to come by a Heavenly Father with a perfect record of faithfulness.
In the coming weeks we'll explore how to live in God's presence through a lifestyle of worship, both at church, and personally through our daily lives.

Teach Us Your Ways
Psalm 100 says it all: 1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with...

It's Natural?
The prophet Isaiah was given an amazing, divinely appointed opportunity.

The Presence of God In Prayer: Don’t Miss It!
God has given us the ability and freedom to speak to Him whenever we want or need to.

The Portrait
This Sunday we begin a new study looking into one of God's promises, that according to Jeremiah...