Wednesday Nights

Wednesday Nights are all about community, learning about Jesus, and having a blast! Kids get the opportunity to hang out, make friends, and enjoy some fun activities; followed by an exciting time filled with engaging lessons, interactive discussions, and opportunities to grow in faith. It’s a perfect midweek pick-me-up for kids and an easy way to invite friends to experience God’s love in a fun and welcoming environment.

Acts 1:8 - (1st-3rd) is from 6:00-7:00pm in the Children’s Worship Room (D203)

412 - (4th-5th) “officially” begins at 6:00pm, but pizza and drinks ($1 each) are served beginning at 5:30pm. It’s some great hangout time over some good food, in room C412.

Big Wednesday Night 2025 Schedule

January 8 - Dodgeball Tournament 

February 5 - Build It Night

March 5 - "Drive In" Movie Night

April 2 - Crazy Game Night

May 7 - Water Night

Upcoming Children's Ministry Events



Join us for meaningful fellowship over delicious meals and explore a variety of new Bible studies. You can find complete information on our...
Children's Choir

Children's Choir

Children's Choir is back! ...
Let's Talk

Let's Talk

Let’s Talk is a night where Pastor Buddy and Lynn share parenting and marriage advice from questions you can write when you sign up. It...
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