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128 North Chalkville Road
P.O. Box 27
Trussville, AL 35173

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Monday: 9am - 12pm

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Fine Arts Camp

LOCATION: FBCT High School Space

This year's theme is "How Sweet It Is" and will focus on the sweetness of knowing Jesus! He is better than candy, His love and forgiveness sweet like honey! The camp provides children with a sampling of all the Conservatory offers: They will attend daily classes in Piano, Art, Drums, Guitar, Violin, Choir & Movement, and Musicianship. In addition, there is Recreation, Lunch and Chapel time.

Students need to wear comfortable clothing and bring a sack lunch each day. We also have fun themed Dress up Days! Students are in a small group with a teen Leader as they move about from class to class. All classes are taught by our highly qualified Conservatory teachers. On the last day of the camp, a closing program (6:00pm) is held that features the songs learned, a multimedia presentation of the week and an Open House to visit with teachers and classes! A camp shirt is included in the Camp price! Camp is held in the High School Space.

This camp is for kids who have completed 1st - 6th grade. The cost is $200.

Register here today!