If you have questions about the Conservatory programs please contact us using the contact form below. We would love the opportunity to serve you and your family.

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128 North Chalkville Road
P.O. Box 27
Trussville, AL 35173

Office Hours:
Monday: 9am - 12pm

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Church - 205-655-2403

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Princess Dance Camp - Week 1

LOCATION: FBCT Children's Worship

Princess Dance Camp is taught by our Conservatory Instructor, Tessa Brown. Beyond Voice and Piano, she has a long background in dance and is currently taking more Ballet now! Your little girl will have so much fun as she learns to dance and see her true identity as a daughter of the King! The girls will have a schedule of dance times, arts & crafts, centers, games, story time and snack. Come dressed in comfortable clothing or as your favorite princess! (No formal dance attire is required.) A daily snack and water are provided for your child. Camp will be held in the Children's Worship area.

NOTE: There are Two weeks of Princess Dance camp back to back! Same music/theme each week. Click here for week 2.

This camp is for girls ages 3 - 8 and the cost $130.

Register here today!